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Ehab Shebl

CEO - Founder

With our team of exceptionally talented designers, we are committed to crafting bespoke designs that captivate, engage, and leave a lasting impression on your audience's minds.

Ehab Shebl

Tasnim Otri

General Manager - Founder

Our mission is to bring ideas to life through exceptional design, capturing the essence of our clients' brands and telling their unique stories.

Tasnim Otri

Mohamed El Azab

Senior Graphic Designer

I am privileged to be part of a team that brings ideas to life through visual storytelling. Design is not just a profession for me; it's a passion that fuels my creativity and drives me to push boundaries.

Mohamed El Azab

Dana Aloubari

Coordination Manager

My role is to ensure seamless collaboration and effective project management. I thrive on the energy and creativity that flows within our team, and my primary focus is to foster a supportive and organized work environment.

Dana Aloubari

Dana Akel

HR Manager

Support the growth and well-being of our talented team. I believe that people are the heart and soul of any organization, and I am dedicated to creating a positive and inclusive work culture where everyone can thrive.

Dana Akel

Ebru Boz

3D and Modeling Designer

I have the incredible opportunity to transform ideas into immersive visual experiences. Working in the realm of three-dimensional design, I combine artistic creativity with technical expertise to bring virtual worlds to life.

Ebru Boz

Our Team Members

"Collaborate. Create. Succeed Together."

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